Why Run a Program?

We have taken the time to do the research, get advice from qualified professionals, write the programs, and prepare the resources! If that's not enough - here's more reasons why!

  • NQF Compliance! Running our programs provides evidence for standards 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 of The National Quality Framework

  • Improve Your Quality Rating! Want evidence towards Exceeding Theme's under the NQF? Run a TKJ program

  • On The Floor Staff Training! You no longer need to cover staff leave to attend training. Have our TKJ representatives train them on location whilst in ratio without compromising quality and safety!

  • EYLF Aligned! Making documenting Early Years Learning Framework simple

  • Simple QIP Strategy! We've done the hard work on how to improve your rating, just include us in your Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

  • Easy to Action SIP Strategy! With our experience in supporting children with a range of abilities, our programs are great inclusions in any services Strategic Inclusion Plan

  • Fun! Our programs have been designed to embed developmental outcomes into fun, age-relevant games. It is always a good time for kids and adults!

  • Behaviour Management! All of our facilitators have had training with Paediatric Occupational Therapists on decoding behaviour, managing regulation and positive reinforcement techniques

Onsite Program (Western Sydney)

Collaborate with TKJ AT YOUR CENTRE to improve your enrolled students and educators skills in Fine Motor, Sensory Processing, Mindfulness, School Readiness and much more!

Online Live Action Programs

Collaborate with TKJ THE THE MAGIC OF THE INTERNET to improve your enrolled students and educators skills in Fine Motor, Handwriting, Mindfulness, School Readiness and much more! We offer live and online programs, where we guide your students and educators through our programs remotely.

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